Friday, August 22, 2008

Considerations of Breeding Part V

Early Training

As the baby grows and develops into a yearling, they start to get much bigger. You have decisions to make at this point. First of all, you have to decide whether or not you are going to train the baby yourself in which case you are going to make sure you have all the equipment necessary for starting the training process. You will need a lead chain, lunge line and eventually the equipment to long line the colt. These are the beginning steps in training. You also have to make sure you have the riding apparel you will need such as jodphurs, boots, working gloves, and chaps. It would be beneficial to make sure you have a bull pen or a small area to start training in as babies will tend to pull you around a bit. read more


wittyguyftl said...

You have a beautiful blog, keep up the good work

Nina Kraus said...

Thanks. I have 23 years of breeding to write about. I will get back to that soon. It all started because of people who buy and breed horses with no consideration as to what they are getting into and seemed to go from there.