Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It Must Have Been that Horse!

I recently broke my leg. That is not humorous, but the reaction I have gotten from people is. The first thing people have said to me is, "Oh my you fell off your horse," or "Oh my you got hurt by a horse." They immediately blame the horse. No, I did it putting my pants on. Horses have a reputation as being dangerous. I am not saying that there aren't horses who may not have the perfect temperament and that accidents on horses don't happen, but that quick reaction of it must have been the horses just cracked me up. read more


Diane Cooke said...

Love your horses. I hope you manage with your broken leg and it mends soon.

Nina Kraus said...

Thanks Diane. I am learning to get around. I really miss riding, but I was able to at least go out and see them yesterday. That made my day! JC was so good about the crutches and the cast. He didn't spook and just stood perfectly still while I was by him.