Thursday, September 4, 2008

Considerations of Breeding Part VI

What Breed is It?

After having the now 3 year old in training for over a year, you take a look at it and ask yourself, "What breed is it?" This happens many times. A baby doesn't meet our expectations of what we wanted or is not talented enough to compete. What do you do now? We've all read about these breeders who just leave the horses to starve or abandon them. That is not an option. No matter what the baby turns out to be, it is still your responsibility as the breeder to take care of it or find a home for it. There are others who choose to sell these horses at horse auctions. The problem with these auctions is you really don't know where your baby will end up. There are other choices. continue

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I now absolutely NOTHING about horses, other than the fact that they are beautiful animals. :) I really enjoy learning new things, and I sure like the pictures.