Friday, July 18, 2008

Considerations of Horse Ownership

Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about horses that have been left neglected and starving due to gas prices, costs backyard breeding and other factors. As I thought of this, I realized that many people do not really sit and think about all that is involved in owning a horse. First of all, a horse is not a dog or a cat. You can not keep a horse in your house. A horse is generally kept in some sort of barn.

Second, there are completely different expenses with a horse. When your dog, cat, gerbil, hamster, or what have you gets sick, you put it in a carrying cage and take it to the vet. This is not the case with horses. Either the vet has to come to you and charges for a vet call or you have to load the horse into a trailer and truck the horse to the equine hospital. In order to do this, you must make sure you have certain supplies to be able to safely trailer the horse. You will need a lead rope, halter and probably a blanket to truck the horse. If you do not own your own trailer, you will have to pay someone to ship the horse to the veterinary clinic.
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1 comment:

Iago de Otto said...

Well, yes, you can keep a horse in a house, if you want to, if you were that horse-crazy, or perhaps if the horse really insisted, or if you lived in a mansion maybe.

And actually, I don't put my cat in a cage, I just carry him in my arms, but maybe that would change if I decided to take him on an airplane for some reason, or if he insisted on boarding a 747, which is unlikely. I guess I couldn't carry a horse in my arms though either, unless I was Rambo or a Sarah Palin animated action figure.

I don't have a gerbil, and my cat ate my hamster. The dog ran away when I got the cat.

Pet management, it's such a hassle, but well worth it for the love and affection these animals return.